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blog. Solea Tips & Tricks

Dr. Heath Brantley
Feb 8, 20212 min read
Why we should be looking at infants
As general dentists, we aren't classically trained to recognize - much less treat - infants, but that needs to change. Many women...
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Dr. Heath Brantley
Jan 11, 20212 min read
Laser Tori Removal
The Solea CO2 laser shines again 😎 I’d like to share a “simple” case here of a patient who presented with ‘kissing’ mandibular tori...
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Dr. Heath Brantley
Dec 31, 20203 min read
2020...what a doozy
We begin every year at Wendell Family Dentistry (WFD) with what I call a "Super Meeting"...
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Dr. Heath Brantley
Jun 30, 20203 min read
Laser Implant Osteotomies #MOREthanAFilling
We used our Solea laser to prepare an implant osteotomy. And it worked. And, yes, the implant integrated.
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Dr. Heath Brantley
May 5, 20203 min read
Solea 4.2 Update: the GOOD, the BAD, the MISUNDERSTOOD
*May 10, 2020 Update: We appreciate the positive feedback from those reading our blog. We are also honored that Convergent Dental,...
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Dr. Heath Brantley
Feb 25, 20202 min read
Cashflow with Solea: why you should stop waiting on your anesthetic
Ponder this: How much is ONE extra hour on your doctor’s column worth? And how much would you be willing to pay for that one extra hour...
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Dr. Heath Brantley
Feb 5, 20201 min read
Solea laser vs. emax crown
Solea vs. e.max crown: Lasering off bonded crowns Bonded crowns can be a pain to remove. We’ve all had that frustrating appointment when...
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Dr. Heath Brantley
Dec 31, 20192 min read
A Big Year, A Big Thanks!
2019 was a big year for us at the Wendell Learning Center (WLC). We unveiled our lineup of advanced laser dentistry courses, the Level Up...
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Dr. Heath Brantley
Aug 14, 20192 min read
Is it time for dentistry to replace the drill?
Status quo 👉 That’s our dental drill. They haven’t REALLY changed too much in a FEW HUNDRED YEARS. Yes, they spin faster. They shoot out...
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Dr. Heath Brantley
Jul 26, 20195 min read
There's no ROI with lasers...
I find myself speaking with more and more dentists lately about lasers - Solea specifically. The main questions are does it really work...
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Dr. Heath Brantley
Feb 12, 20191 min read
Dirty mirrors
So you've been using your Solea for 2 months and everything is great....until all of a sudden its not! You start checking your alignment...
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Dr. Heath Brantley
Jan 30, 20193 min read
Is Your Rep Selling You or Helping You?
As dentists we are bombarded by advertisements and sales reps seemingly every day. This causes confusion and paralysis by analysis....
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Dr. Heath Brantley
Dec 10, 20183 min read
The Solea Effect
Have you experienced the Solea Effect in your office? In a nutshell: faster appointments, higher efficiency, happier patients. A...
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Dr. Heath Brantley
Dec 3, 20182 min read
Marketing Solea
Solea markets itself. That pretty much sums up what you need to know about Solea... ...but I'll go into a little more detail for those...
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Dr. Heath Brantley
Nov 12, 20182 min read
Analgesia vs. anesthesia
As dentists, we understand and are very comfortable working on patients that are anesthetized. It is how we were trained and almost all...
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Dr. Heath Brantley
Oct 22, 20182 min read
My accountant told me not to buy solea...
...15 months later my revenues are up 60+% and I have 3 Solea lasers! I first learned what the Solea laser could do in late June 2017. I...
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Dr. Heath Brantley
Oct 20, 20182 min read
My patients always say yes... same day restorative that I can do it anesthesia free! I'm a firm believer in the fact that many opportunities...
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Dr. Heath Brantley
Sep 24, 20182 min read
Multiple Quads, no problem
Most restorative dentists can crank out 4+ fillings an hour if they are all in the same quadrant and only require one round of numbing. ...
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Dr. Heath Brantley
Aug 21, 20182 min read
First timer...
I've found that some of the more difficult patients to treat with Solea are the ones that haven't had any previous dental treatment. I...
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Dr. Heath Brantley
Aug 2, 20182 min read
10 minute class ii
I used to hate seeing a SINGLE class II on the schedule. We would schedule 30 minutes for those to make them profitable. However,...
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