Why we should be looking at infants
As general dentists, we aren't classically trained to recognize - much less treat - infants, but that needs to change. Many women...
Why we should be looking at infants
Laser Tori Removal
2020...what a doozy
Laser Implant Osteotomies #MOREthanAFilling
Solea 4.2 Update: the GOOD, the BAD, the MISUNDERSTOOD
Cashflow with Solea: why you should stop waiting on your anesthetic
Solea laser vs. emax crown
A Big Year, A Big Thanks!
Is it time for dentistry to replace the drill?
There's no ROI with lasers...
Dirty mirrors
Is Your Rep Selling You or Helping You?
The Solea Effect
Marketing Solea
Analgesia vs. anesthesia
My accountant told me not to buy solea...
My patients always say yes...
Multiple Quads, no problem
First timer...
10 minute class ii